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Moving On

To succeed in any relationship or situation, it's essential to let go of the emotional baggage from past experiences. This principle applies in many areas of life, including work, school, and most importantly, marriage.

Every couple standing under the Chuppah brings with them unique expectations and approaches shaped by their family backgrounds and individual life experiences. These differences can range from communication styles and parenting approaches to practical matters like who will pay the bills or take out the trash — and everything in between.

And while it's crucial to preserve the values of the home you were raised in, it's even more important to work together with your spouse on aligning your goals and expectations, regarding which the Torah states, "A man should leave his parents and cleave to his wife".

When Jacob sets out to find a wife, instead of only saying he went to Charan, the Torah also specifies that he left Beersheva, his parents' home. This highlights the mental and emotional journey as well, as he left his parents home in preparation for marriage.

"Jacob went out of Beersheba" Genesis 28:10

based on Kli Yakar


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