Getting In Step
This week's parsha is always the last parsha before the New Year. It is fitting that it contains the mini-portion nicknamed, parshas HaTeshuva (repentance).
It is much easier to spot sins and do teshuva for them when they are violations of the Torah's clear prohibitions.
However, many people don't know that we have to repent when there is a mitzvah that we did! That is, if we didn't do the mitzvah as well as it could have been done.
For example, you only gave $100 when you could and should have given $200 to charity. Or when you put on your tefillin, despite their holiness, your mind was wandering to business (instead of the tefillin) -- or worse!
Therefore, the Torah says, that no matter what the flaw, you need to repent and return to HaShem.
"You must return to HaShem your G-d and you must listen to His voice." Deuteronomy 30:2