Getting In Step
This week's parsha is always the last parsha before the New Year. It is fitting that it contains the mini-portion nicknamed, parshas...

The Right Choice
If we had to pick one commandment or rule that exemplifies the musar imperative -- the obligation to grow as a person ethically and...

Above All Else
Even for the greatest cause, you can't violate Shabbos (except to save a life). And building the Tabernacle, a home for HaShem, is one of...

Study & Support of Torah
We are charged to keep all 613 commandments. Often people feel a special affinity to one or two, perhaps charity, honesty, or one of the...

Choosing Right From . . . Right
Choosing between right and wrong can be difficult at times, but choosing between right and right is that much harder. At times life...

Desire Reward
There's an amazing principle in Judaism that HaShem judges our desires to do mitzvahs as if they were already accomplished deeds. This...

Ignoring Love
Doing G-d’s will, over and above what one personally loves most, is the essence of a Jew’s purpose in this world – and Abraham...

Now You See Him, Now You Don’t
When a relative is buried, we cannot see, hear, feel, or even touch them any longer. We are forced to build a relationship with them now...

Jumping Into Sukkot
Loyalty to HaShem is based on the belief that gives you the sense that HaShem is with you all the time. The succah is a symbol that...

Service and Happiness
Although most work at one level or another can contribute to happiness by giving you a sense of improvement and fulfillment, working for...