Leadership Restraint
The lust for power, sex, and money has caused many leaders to fall and has also led to the destruction of many citizens. Therefore,...

The Strength of Jewish Women
Throughout the Torah's history, women have played a much larger role than many people realize. G-d told Sarah to listen to Avraham about...

Continuing Rebuke
It's crucial when reproving someone about a negative behavior, to make sure the person is open to hearing comments regarding their...

The Art of Redirection
The trait of humility, particularly as it relates to giving proper attribution to an author, and of course, to G-d, facilitates bringing...

Truth vs. Peace
Every leadership team needs a mix of truth and peace. This is true in marriage and in business. It is rare to have both these traits in...

Different Empathy
Empathy is one of the greatest emotions you can display to help another.  When you are empathetic, you solve a sufferer's greatest...