Stark Contrasts
Although petty and selfish behavior can be annoying, it’s usually possible to ignore or turn a blind eye to it. However, when we’ve...
Immodesty of Egypt
It's impossible to deny: we are affected by our environment (at least to varying degrees). Living in an environment that projects...
Leadership Restraint
The lust for power, sex, and money has caused many leaders to fall and has also led to the destruction of many citizens. Therefore,...
The Right Choice
If we had to pick one commandment or rule that exemplifies the musar imperative -- the obligation to grow as a person ethically and...
The Art of Redirection
The trait of humility, particularly as it relates to giving proper attribution to an author, and of course, to G-d, facilitates bringing...
Hate the Actions, Not The Person
Even if you have a "legitimate" reason to hate someone, such as they behave completely contrary to the Torah's commandments (the...