The (Future) Praise of Nations
"Hear O Israel, Hashem is our God, Hashem, the One and Only." (Deut. 6:4) We are taught the words "our God" is a reference to now when...
Anxiety & Rosh HaShanah
What in the world is the connection between anxiety and Rosh HaShanah? Is it just that many of us worry whether our judgment on "The Day...
Where Must I Go To Return?
The shofar has begun to be blown daily in preparation for Rosh Hashanah. The piercing sound of the shofar is to WAKE US up. Awaken us...
Service and Happiness
Although most work at one level or another can contribute to happiness by giving you a sense of improvement and fulfillment, working for...
The Mom Factor
Instinctual behavior is something that human beings have to work to understand within ourselves to be able to use or avoid when...
How to Face Someone
A smile is incredibly important, especially when you’re the first one to give it to another. A baby that grew up without smiles will...
Seeing Blessings and Curses
Friday evenings, the Jewish people have a widespread custom to bless their children when arriving home from shul. The words used are from...
The Danger of Rationalization
The power of rationalization is an insidious force in a person's life capable of wearing down some of a person's most important values....
Different Types of "Good"
The concept of "good" in this world is a relative term, comparing one thing to something that is less "good". "Good" in the ultimate...
The Motor of Contemplation (Hisbonenus)
Contemplating our life and what we already know about Torah leads to great personal progress. The prophet’s, Yeshayahu’s (Isaiah’s),...