Creating Shalom
Our Sages teach us that one who makes peace(shalom) between husband and wife, between one family member and another, and between one...
Choosing Right From . . . Right
Choosing between right and wrong can be difficult at times, but choosing between right and right is that much harder. At times life...
Desire Reward
There's an amazing principle in Judaism that HaShem judges our desires to do mitzvahs as if they were already accomplished deeds. This...
Anger Abatement
The Torah implores us to emulate Hashem in His ways. Just as He is merciful, we should be merciful. We also learn that if there is a need...
Different Empathy
Empathy is one of the greatest emotions you can display to help another.  When you are empathetic, you solve a sufferer's greatest...
Imprisoned By Success
It seems that being imprisoned by success may be worse than actual imprisonment. Just like surviving the forces of assimilation may be...
Prompted Falsehood
In his famous work, Path of the Righteous, Rabbi Moshe Chaim Lazatto teaches that three types of people speak falsehood. 1) Someone who...
The Energy for Change
One of the main paths to a successful life is the ability to reflect on past decisions, reevaluate, and recalibrate going forward. In...
The Path of the Righteous
How you talk can affect how you act. If you're thinking purely, you will hopefully act purely. That's why Yoseph HaTzadik (The Righteous...
Responses of the Wise
"When a subject matter is visibly revealed before a person, the way it is meant to be, he will increasingly develop an understanding...