Getting In Step
This week's parsha is always the last parsha before the New Year. It is fitting that it contains the mini-portion nicknamed, parshas...
Blessings that "Reach" Us
We are all given various blessings throughout our days. Blessings do not become true blessings until we acknowledge them in our lives....
Balancing Imagination and Effort
Imagination is a powerful tool that can generate new plans and ideas in all aspects of life. When used effectively, it can be profoundly...
Leadership Restraint
The lust for power, sex, and money has caused many leaders to fall and has also led to the destruction of many citizens. Therefore,...
Transformative Redemption
In Jewish terms, 'redemption' is the actual transformation a person undergoes when transitioning from one domain to another. A hostage,...
Small Steps, Great Impact
Dedicating a small but consistent amount of time to daily Torah study can have astounding results. Although 5 to 10 minutes a day can...